Our New Association Northumberland-Clarke CPC

Electoral District Redistribution has changed the electoral boundaries in our region.

Our name and website, the Northumberland-Peterborough South Conservative Association (www.npsconservative.ca) will move to a new name and web site soon: Northumberland-Clarke Conservative Party of Canada Association (www.northumberlandclarkecpc.ca)


Residents of Otonabee-South Monaghan, Asphodel-Norwood or Hiawatha First Nation, in the next election you will be voting in the new “Peterborough” electoral district. Please note that Philip Lawrence will remain your Member of Parliament until the next election.

Residents of Northumberland County and the “Clarke” half of Clarington Township will be voting in the new “Northumberland-Clarke” district.   Until then, you can still reach us (and Donate) at the old Northumberland-Peterborough South Association website www.npsconservative.ca

Our New Association Northumberland-Clarke CPC